About Us

History of the church.

The ministry was founded in 2009 after Riaan and Corlia Cilliers received a divine commandment from the Lord to start an English church in the town of Bethal. The doctrine of the church was also written by Riaan and it started as early as 1998 when the Holy Spirit moved him through dreams and visions to write down all the revelations that God has given unto him. We are not affiliated with any other churches and are completely independent. We are a registered non profitable organization.

What we believe…

We believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior and that He is the only way and mediator between man and God. John 14:6, 1 Tim 2:5 We believe that He died on the cross for our sins and that He was resurrected on the third day by the power of God. We believe that He is now with the Father in heaven and that He did not leave us behind as orphans but that He sent the Holy Spirit to be with us until He return to get His church to be with Him forever. John 14:15-18, Acts 1:9-11, John 14:1-6, Rev 22:12
We believe that the gospel of Jesus is only effective in the lives of people who repent according to God’s requirements and not their own. We believe that repentance (or to have faith in Jesus John 3:16) is a complete turn away and stay away from sin. Prov 28:13 We do not believe in the “once saved, always saved” demonic doctrine. Ezek 18:24, James 5:19-20
We believe that repentance is a complete surrender of your will unto Jesus (Luke 14:33) and a decision to make Him your first love. (to love Him more than yourself, spouse, possessions, children, work or family) Matt 22:34-40
We believe in the water baptism (total immersion) after repentance Mark 16:16, Acts 8:36-37
We believe in the baptism (infilling) of the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Matt 3:11, Acts 2:37-39, 1 Cor 12:1-11
We believe in a “new creation” family (those who are reborn) where there is no more European, Asian or African but a family who is changed and transformed into the image of Christ by the Spirit of God. In the world there is still European, African, Asian etc. but not in the family of God. 2 Cor 5:16-17, 2 Cor 3:18, John 1:12-13, John 3:1-8, Eph 2:19-22, Gal 3:26-29, Matt 12:46-50
(Also read “Now that you are saved” in the teachings section under media)

Information about the church/Ministries and activities/1.4


Themba Mabala (cell +27823533402)


Themba Mabala is in charge of the Sunday school. (cell +27823533402) Children between the age of 5-12 may attend the Sunday school.


Khetiwe Mahlangu (cell +27767926324) is in charge of the welfare in the church. Please contact her for more information.


Teacher Ivan du Preez (cell +27839509969)


Pastor Riaan Cilliers (cell +27730581326)


Tshidi Radebe (cell +27822284075)


Pastor Corlia Cilliers (cell +27786437442)


Avashnee du Preez (cell +27739056248)


Pastor Mary Mwangi (cell +27743845667)
Youth from the age of 12 to 21 are welcome!!


Ginny Labuschagne (cell +27825643767)


Pastor Sanele Nocwanya (cell +27662051496) Mbali Nocwanya (cell +27610500808)


Andile Qwabe (cell +27761913049)


Phumla Mntungwa (cell +27722046149)


Pastor Riaan Cilliers (cell +27730581326)

MINISTERS (Five-fold ministries)

Pastors Riaan and Corlia Cilliers (Senior Pastors)

Contact details of Pastors

Riaan Cilliers (cell +27730581326)
email: riaan@bethalmail.co.za

Corlia Cilliers (cell +27786437442) Sanele Nocwanya (cell +27662051496) Mary Mwangi (cell +27743845667)

Contact details of Teachers

Ivan du Preez (cell +27839509969)

Weekly Service Times

Tuesdays: 18h30 – Evening Service

Thursdays: 18h00 – Discipleship Course (Fasting day)

Saturdays: 14h00 – Youth

Sundays: 09h00 – Morning Service and Sunday School


If anyone would like to share a testimony with the church at any time, please first submit your testimony to our head usher.

Dreams, visions and prophecy in the church

If there is anyone with a dream, vision or word for the church or for one of the people in the church, they must first come to the pastor for the word to be judged. 1 Cor 14:29 This is for your own protection and for the protection of the church. No one will be allowed to counsel, pray or prophecy to others without the pastors presence. Pastors Riaan and Corlia are the only pastors in this church. Anyone else who claims to be a pastor of this church is fake.

Dating school

This school is for members of our church between the age of 16 and 18 years. It is not about attending classes, but where a mature couple will be appointed to supervise the relationship and teach them the principles of the Word of God. If you are in a relationship with someone (even if your partner is not from our church) and you are in this age group, please submit this to Pastor Riaan. If you are older than 18 and need someone to assist you in your relationship, you are also welcome to speak to Pastor Riaan. Please note that relationships between believers and non-believers will not be allowed.


If there are people who want to be baptized they must speak to Pastor Corlia. The word of God makes it clear in the book of Mark 16:16 that he who believes (repent) and is baptized will be saved. Not to believe only, but also to be baptized.

Prayer hotline

Pastor Corlia (Intercessor) +2778 643 7442

Sermons available

If you want a copy of a specific sermon contact the sound man or go to the media section in this website.


Before membership will be considered you are required to attend at LEAST 50% of our discipleship course so that you gain a solid understanding of our doctrine and beliefs. (Not necessary to enroll for the certificate, only to attend) If you are unable to attend (Thursday evenings 6-7 pm) please speak to  Pastor Riaan. If you stay far from the church and you cannot attend the church services on a regular basis, your membership will not be accepted. If you have completed a membership form and you have not been introduced as a member, it is because you have not attended the classes or because you did not report to the pastor. When you are 18 and older you must complete your own membership form. (Younger than 18 must get permission from their guardian or parents first.) If you became a member because your parents joined the church and you have turned 18, you must also complete your own membership form. If you are moving or leaving the church, please be so kind as to advise your pastor.

Discipleship course certificate

If you want the discipleship course certificate you must register with Pastor Riaan and pass the required exams. Anyone is welcome to enroll for the certificate. The certificate is compulsory if you are called for one of the fivefold ministries (pastor, evangelist, teacher, prophet, apostle) or the offerings department.

Births, birthdays, weddings and deaths in our church

We will not announce any births or birthdays in the church. We will only announce the weddings of our members. We will announce the death of a member, his or her spouse, child or parent (in-laws included). We will send a Delegation to the member’s home if the death is reported to one of our pastors.

Religious and public holidays

We will not celebrate or keep any Old Testament festivals, religious holidays or public holidays in our church as we have no commandment to keep it. Every service will be completely dedicated to the Holy Spirit. If you want to celebrate or keep a day or a feast you are more than welcome to do it at your own place. Rom 14:1-13, Gal 4:8-11

Please note!!!

We will never ask for any donations. If anyone asks for donations using our name he is fake.